Background & Private Investigations

Elite Protection Specialists provides a wide range of investigative services for lawyers, municipalities, businesses, organizations and individuals. Many of our investigators are former law enforcement investigators that have experience in a multitude of investigative areas including: homicides, missing persons, narcotics trafficking, background investigation, employee theft, workman's comp and much more.
Elite Protection Specialists offers a three tiered level of service for background investigations:
Standard Background: A thorough investigation into the subject’s background, including criminal history, address history, driving record, and a variety of other sources to identify possible areas of concern that may require more extensive examination.
Premium Background: Includes the standard background, but also includes searches of court records, police reports and other documents and examines information more closely that has come to light during the standard background.
Elite Background: The most comprehensive background that we can possibly conduct. This includes all of the above, as well as interviews of named and uncovered sources.